About the ACC
The Johns Hopkins After Care Clinic (ACC) is designed to provide a safety net for patients discharged from the Johns Hopkins Hospital or Emergency Department who need rapid follow-up but cannot secure appointments within the necessary timeframe. The goal of the ACC is to serve as a bridge for these patients – offering a setting where they can be assessed, treated, and transitioned back to a community provider for ongoing care. The Clinic is intended to support at-risk patients and prevent unnecessary readmissions and ED visits for issues that could be handled on an outpatient basis. It is not an urgent care center and not a primary care site.
ACC serves as a key resource for patients who have recently been treated in the emergency department or inpatient setting and are in need of short term follow-up and support as a bridge to appropriate longitudinal care. The clinic also promotes the safe and efficient transition of patient care from the acute care setting to ambulatory care by providing interim focused short term evaluations and provide key resources to help patients thrive in the outpatient setting.
Services We Provide
- Medical assessment, evaluation and treatment provided by physicians and advanced practice providers (NPs and PAs)
- On-site phlebotomy services for blood work/lab tests
- On-site pharmacy support for medications to be administered in Clinic and for take home prescription fulfillment
- Care coordination for on going medical care
- Nurses and pharmacists to provide education on conditions and medications as well as counseling on the use of medical equipment, wound care, or other self-care activities
- Social workers and case managers to help coordinate services and provide guidance
- Access to home care, transition guides, and other post-acute home-based services
Contact the clinic
Call 410-955-0545
Schedule an appointment
Call 443-997-6222
2016 Innovations in Clinical Care Award
Rosalyn Stewart, MD, and the Johns Hopkins After Care Clinic team are the 2016 recipients of the Innovations in Clinical Care Award at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. This team has had a marked impact on the rate of acute care utilization among adults who struggle to manage their health, leading to better outcomes and savings for the health system.
Hours and Locations
The Johns Hopkins Outpatient Center, 7th Floor (Department of Medicine)
Monday: 4:00 - 8:00 PM
Wednesday: 1:00 - 8:00 PM
Thursday: 4:00 - 8:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Eligible Patients
The After Care Clinic will accept adults discharged from adult inpatient units and from the adult ED who cannot get timely appointments (within 7 days) in their established primary/specialty clinic or who have no medical “home.” Priority will be given to those at high risk for return, including patients with new chronic conditions (e.g. diabetes, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure) as well as those needing checks on wounds or devices. Patients will be accepted regardless of insurance coverage or ability to pay.
Please note:
- If patients have PCPs, every effort is made to get them appointed in “home” office first, with Follow-Up Clinic being safety net if timely slot is not available
- The ED should schedule in the ED follow up appointments in the Medical Clinic and in Surgery Clinic first prior to scheduling in JAAC.
Referral Process
Before scheduling an appointment within the ACC, every effort should be made to re-connect patients in the appropriate primary or specialty clinic (inside or outside Hopkins) following the established protocols of the referring department. If an appointment cannot be secured in this fashion, then patients can be booked in the After Care Clinic as follows:
Go to Internal Medicine Clinic 762* within EPIC
Look for ACC Provider 1, Schedule patient within the ACC provider slots for the date desired
Write the appointment information at the bottom of the After Care Clinic patient information sheet or card and ensure that it is given to the patient along with his/her hospital or ED discharge instructions
Our Team
Rosalyn Walker Stewart, MD, MS, MBA
Director, Johns Hopkins After Care Clinic