Physical medicine and rehabilitation focuses on restoring the health and functional abilities after illness or injury, such as a stroke, spinal cord injury, heart surgery, amputation, joint replacement, sports injuries, spinal disorders and other conditions. We work with you to develop a custom treatment plan built around your individual needs.
Schedule An Appointment
Schedule by phone
Physician appointments: 443-997-5476 Therapy appointments:
Maryland clinics except Bayview: 443-997-5476
Johns Hopkins Bayview: 410-550-0414 Sibley Memorial Hospital: 202-364-7665 -
Patient Resource Center
The Patient Resource Center provides assistance between appointments with your physician. For assistance between therapy appointments, please contact the clinic location.
Phone: 410-614-4030 and select option 2 | Fax: 410-614-4033
COVID-19 Rehabilitation News
How long covid could change the way we think about disability
Physician Group Releases Guidance on Cardiovascular Issues in Long COVID
‘A wake up call’: experts release new guidance on cardiovascular symptoms of long COVID
Post-illness Symptoms Like Long Covid Are Probably More Common Than We Think
The Johns Hopkins Difference
A Care Team That Cares
Our team of physicians, nurses, physical, occupational and speech therapists, and rehab psychologists work together to create a treatment plan just for you.
Meet our experts.
Educating Future Leaders
Our PM&R experts work side-by-side with residents to help them apply classroom knowledge to a variety of clinical settings.
Learn about our residency program.